Prof. Dr. André Casajus




04/23 – 03/25 DFG, Sachbeihilfe (eigene Stelle), Projekt: Endogene Fundierungen asymmetrischer Lösungen für kooperative Spiele German Research Foundation, principal investigator, project: Endogenous foundations of asymmetric solutions for cooperative games



11/17 – Barkeeper, Dr. Hops Craft Beer Bar, Leipzig Barkeeper, Dr. Hops Craft Beer Bar, Leipzig
10/15 – apl. Professor, Chair of Economics and Information Systems, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management Research professor, Chair of Economics and Information Systems, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
10/13 – 09/15 Research fellow, Chair of Economics and Information Systems, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management Research fellow, Chair of Economics and Information Systems, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
07/07 – Privatdozent, Professur für Mikroökonomik, Universität Leipzig Private lecturer, Chair of Microeconomics, University of Leipzig
04/11 – 02/12 Research fellow, Chair of Economics and Information Systems, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management Research fellow, Chair of Economics and Information Systems, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
04/09 – 03/11 Lehrstuhlvertretung Wirtschaftstheorie, IMW Institut für Mathematische Wirtschaftsforschung, Universität Bielefeld Interim chairholder Mathematical Economics, IMW Institute of Mathematical Economics, Bielefeld University
03/08 – 03/09 Research fellow, Chair of Economics and Information Systems, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management Research fellow, Chair of Economics and Information Systems, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
10/07 – 03/08 TeX-Setzer, le-tex publishing services GmbH, Leipzig TeX typesetter, le-tex publishing services GmbH, Leipzig
09/07 – 12/07 Gastdozent, Mikroökonomik, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management Guest lecturer, Microeconomics, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
01/05 – 09/07 wiss. Assistent, Professur für Mikroökonomik, Universität Leipzig Research associate, Chair of Microeconomics, University of Leipzig
10/04 – 01/05 Visiting Research Fellow, School of Economics, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK Visiting research fellow, School of Economics, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
04/01 – 09/04 wiss. Assistent, Professur für Mikroökonomik, Universität Leipzig Research associate, Chair of Microeconomics, University of Leipzig
01/00 – 03/01 wiss. Mitarbeiter, Institut für Agrarpolitik und Landwirtschaftliche Marktlehre, Universität Hohenheim Research associate, Institute of Agricultural Policy and Agricultural Markets, University of Hohenheim
10/99 – 12/99 Privatgelehrter, Leipzig Private scholar, Leipzig
10/94 – 09/99 wiss. Mitarbeiter, Professur für Mikroökonomik, Universität Leipzig Research associate, Chair of Microeconomics, University of Leipzig



07/07 Habilitation, Dr. rer. pol. habil., venia legendi VWL, Universität LeipzigHabilitation in Economics, University of Leipzig
05/06 Diplom-MathematikerMSc in Mathematics
10/00 – 03/06 Mathematik, FernUniversität HagenMathematics, University of Hagen
06/00 Promotion, Dr. rer. pol., Universität LeipzigDoctorate in Economics, University of Leipzig
05/95 Vordiplom, VolkswirtschaftslehreIntermediate exam, Economics
10/93 – 07/95 Volkswirtschaftslehre, Europa-Universität Frankfurt (Oder)Economics, University of Frankfurt (Oder)
09/91 Diplom-ÖkonomMSc in Economics
09/87 – 03/92 Außenwirtschaft, Hochschule für Ökonomie, BerlinForeign trade, College of Economics and Business Administration, Berlin


School education

06/83 Abitur German university entrance qualification
09/79 – 07/83 Spezialschule „C. F. Gauß“, Frankfurt (Oder)High School „C. F. Gauß“, Frankfurt (Oder)
07/71 – 08/79 Schule LieberoseSchool of Lieberose

Stipendien und Projekte

Grants and projects

04/23 – 03/25 DFG, Sachbeihilfe (eigene Stelle), Projekt: Endogene Fundierungen asymmetrischer Lösungen für kooperative Spiele German Research Foundation, principal investigator, project: Endogenous foundations of asymmetric solutions for cooperative games
01/18 – 12/22 DFG, Sachbeihilfe (eigene Stelle), Projekt: Kooperative Spiele, Replikatordynamiken und Stabilität German Research Foundation, principal investigator, project: Cooperative games, replicator dynamics, and stability
01/15 – 12/17 DFG, Sachbeihilfe (eigene Stelle), Projekt: Solidarität und Leistungsgerechtigkeit in der kooperativen Spieltheorie German Research Foundation, principal investigator, project: Solidarity and performance-relatedness in cooperative game theory
03/08 – 02/10 DFG, Sachbeihilfe (eigene Stelle), Projekt: Produktion, Verhandlungen und Außenoptionen German Research Foundation, principal investigator, project: Production, bargaining, and outside options
11/04 – 01/05 DFG, Forschungsstipendium, Projekt: Isomorphiekonzepte für Spiele in extensiver Form und deren Beziehung zur Isomorphie der Agentennormalformen German Research Foundation, research grant, project: Concepts of isomorphism of extensive games and their relation to isomorphism of agent normal forms



12/91 – 09/94 Betreuung meiner an Leukämie erkrankten TochterCare of my daughter suffering from leukemia
08/83 – 08/87 WehrdienstMilitary service